AASHTOWare Bridge Design and Rating Newsletter

The Bridge Design and Rating Newsletter is available online!

Read about all of this in the June 2024 Newsletter.

  • BrDR Spotlight – Ohio Department of Transportation
  • Mark your calendar for the Next Generation of the BrDR Reporting Tool webinar!
  • Introducing AASHTOWare PermitRoute
  • AASHTOWare Bridge Design and Rating (BrDR) Version Support Policy
  • 2024 Rating and Design Bridge User Group (RADBUG) Meeting
  • Join a BrDR Technical Advisory Group (TAG)!

AASHTOWare Bridge Management Newsletter

May 2024

BrM 7.0: Development Update

BrM development remains on schedule, with a BrM 7.0 production release date of November 2024.

In the meantime, we are quickly approaching the seventh walk-through for BrM 7.0, which will occur on June 11th. Before the final walk-through with contributors (walk-through #8), Mayvue and the Task Force will review all parts of the software to identify any potential gaps or changes needed. This will also consider feedback from contributors of the BrM 7.0 solicitation throughout the testing phase.

Mayvue will then complete the last walk-through and hosted development site push, followed by a transition to working with a select few states to complete additional testing, including installation testing.

Many states have made strides with planning, thinking through the next steps for the eventual transition of their data and their specific BrM 7.0 implementation. Please make sure you plan accordingly for the transition as work is required. The BrM Task Force and Mayvue are ready to discuss, assist, and/or help as needed.

If interested or if you have specific questions about progress and/or the next steps, please contact the AASHTOWare BrM Project Manager for access to the walk-through recordings.

BrM 7.0 Transition Planning (SNBI Inspection Data)

Many states have begun collecting SNBI inspection data via various methods, including Mayvue’s SNBI Collector, spreadsheets, or homegrown access databases. If your state is not licensing Mayvue’s SNBI Collector, which provides a seamless transition of SNBI inspection data into the BrM 7.0 database, your state will likely require some effort to get the SNBI inspection data into BrM 7.0.

If your agency will require assistance getting SNBI inspection data into BrM 7.0, please reach out to Mayvue as soon as possible. The Task Force has allocated 10 customer support hours to each BrM SuperSite licensee for Mayvue to assist with the transition. Please note that in order to utilize these hours, your data must be available in the Federal SNBI JSON file format in advance.

Specifications for the National Bridge Inventory (SNBI) Errata #1

FHWA issued errata #1 to the SNBI in March 2024. The Task Force has instructed Mayvue to review the errata and make plans to modify BrM 7.0 to comply with any necessary changes.

Mayvue and the Task Force will meet to discuss errata #1 and ensure we can pivot to address it with as little impact as possible on users and states.

BrM 7.0: Application Programming Interface (API) Update

The BrM Task Force and Mayvue have continued to refine details regarding the software’s next API since the last quarterly product update was issued. The BrM 7.0 software will include two distinct API features: integration with AASHTOWare Open API and API versioning.

The Task Force is still evaluating additional API enhancements/features, including API call logs/change history tracking, business validity checks, data integrity verifications, Open Telemetry, and field-level security enhancements. The Task Force is developing a plan of action for the BrM API that balances state needs, budget, and deliverable timing. More information about BrM’s API plans will be communicated soon.

Please reach out to support@mayvue.com for more information about the API if needed.

AASHTOWare Innovation Summit Recap

Last month BrM Task Force representatives and Mayvue joined AASHTOWare staff, T&AA, state representatives, and contractors at the AASHTOWare Innovation Summit to learn about the latest developments in AASHTOWare OpenAPI and AASHTOWare’s Alliance Program. We participated in two exciting days that included progress updates, real-life use cases, success stories, and the next steps for all current alliances and AASHTOWare OpenAPI.

The BrM Task Force would like to extend a big thank you to AASHTO for coordinating and providing a very informative forum. The Task Force is already considering how to incorporate the information learned into the future planning and direction of the BrM software.

BrM Hosted-Only Solution (FY2029)

An AASHTOWare strategic initiative is to transition all software offerings to be a cloud-hosted solution. This is for many reasons: including improved product support, less installation and upgrade headaches, and a better overall user experience. It also aligns AASHTOWare with industry standards pertaining to how software is developed, released, provided, and supported.

The BrM Task Force has discussed this thoroughly and has decided that the transition to a BrM cloud-hosted-only solution will start in FY2029 (July 1, 2028). This gives states roughly four years to prepare for this change and hold required discussions before the switch. While this is a change to how BrM has been traditionally offered, many licensees have already transitioned to a cloud-hosting solution, and various other states are in the process. The Task Force is aware that this change will entail a cost increase. To assist with planning, advance notice of the estimated cost for this solution will be provided to licensing agencies.

If you have questions or concerns, please contact the AASHTOWare BrM Product Director (Ryan Fragapane rfragapane@aashto.org) to start a discussion.

2024 BrMUG Registration Now Open!

Registration for the annual BrM User Group Meeting (BrMUG) is now open. Please register here.

The BrMUG will occur in Long Beach, CA, on September 17-18, 2024.

BrMUG is a great way to learn about the software, vote on enhancement ideas, understand how states implement and use BrM, and learn how to get the most out of the software. This year will be extra exciting as BrM 7.0 will be heavily discussed along with engaging presentations from users and Mayvue.

For agencies with Super Site Licenses a Travel scholarship is available as part of your license. To receive your scholarship , apply here.

AASHTOWare Bridge Design and Rating 7.5.1 Release Announcement

The AASHTOWare Bridge Design and Rating 7.5.1 Release distribution has been completed. The distribution was processed based on the information the organization provides when the software is licensed.  The 7.5.1 release download package, with Bridge Design (BrD), Bridge Rating (BrR), or the combined Bridge Design and Rating (BrDR), was distributed to the organization’s shipping and end-user designee.

The 7.5.1 release adds the following capabilities and features:

Click on the links below to directly access the learning resources and tutorials posted on the AASHTOWare Bridge Technical Support website’s Training page at https://www.aashtowarebridge.com/bridge-rating-and-design/training/.

  • Advanced concrete multi-cell box (MCB) superstructure LFR and LRFR for straight and curved MCBs, and MCBs with complex geometry and configuration.
  • Comes with close to 100 resolved BSSD issues.

Special Notes:

  • 7.5.1 does not require a BrDR database migration and the installer provides the option to upgrade your 7.5.0 installation to 7.5.1.

Please direct any questions to AASHTOWare Bridge Design and Rating Technical Support at BrDR@promiles.com.

AASHTOWare Bridge Design and Rating Newsletter

The Bridge Design and Rating Newsletter is available online!

Read about all of this in the March 2024 Newsletter.

  • BrDR 7.5.1 Release Distribution
  • 2023 Top 10 RADBUG Enhancements
  • AASHTOWare Bridge Design and Rating is Recruiting a new Task Force member!
  • AASHTOWare Innovation Summit
  • BrDR Analysis TAG Recent Activities
  • 2024 Rating And Design Bridge Users Group (RADBUG) Annual Meeting!

AASHTOWare Bridge Management Newsletter

March 2024

The AASHTOWare Bridge Task Force product update keeps all AASHTOWare Bridge Management (BrM) software users apprised of recent activity related to software development. The Task Force is committed to providing quarterly updates to maintain communication between the Task Force and those interested in the product.

AASHTOWare Innovation Summit

AASHTOWare is excited to announce the first annual AASHTOWare Innovation Summit!

This meeting will provide an opportunity for all members of the AASHTOWare community to come together and discuss the latest developments within the program. There will be discussions on the new AASHTOWare OpenAPI tool, the AASHTOWare Alliance Program, and how states can benefit from both of these new additions. You will get to hear from states that have experience using AASHTOWare OpenAPI, and working with companies that are now a part of the AASHTOWare Alliance Program.

This meeting will be a great opportunity to hear from fellow AASHTOWare users and learn about how your agency can utilize our new tools and program to meet your transportation goals.

Event Details

Date: April 30 – May 1, 2024 | Travel Days: April 29 & May 2

Location: The Chattanooga Marriott Downtown

Registration Details

Registration fee:

Members: $500

Non-Member / Private Sector: $600

Registration will be covered for two people from each member agency.

State Member Code: AIS24member

Registration is now open for this meeting. Please register here by March 29, 2024 to secure your spot at the meeting. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Shakita Battle-Morrow, at sbattlemorrow@aashto.org.

We look forward to seeing you there!

BrM 6.7.1 Patch Release

Reminder that BrM 6.7.1 release is available, and the Task Force strongly recommends agencies moving to this version at their earliest opportunity. It includes security updates and improvements to the BrM API, but also includes dashboard export/import feature, as well as implements various bug fixes, updates, and improvements since the BrM 6.7 production version was released in March 2023. It is also worth noting that the 6.7.1 version will be the last 6.X version to be sunset by AASHTO.

The 6.7.1 patch installs in the same manner as previous BrM releases. Agencies will need to run the update install file, then the database scripts to complete the patch process. It is available for download by reaching out to support@mayvue.com or by navigating to the BrM ShareFile location here. The patch release notes are also available in the ShareFile folder, which provides a complete list of all updates in the patch.

New Task Force Member

Please join us in welcoming our new BrM Task Force member: Ryan Cram of the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet.

Ryan is a great addition to the Task Force, which is now fully staffed with Bridge Inspection and Management expertise alike.

Additionally, with Ryan’s acceptance of a Task Force opening, the BrM User Group committee has openings. Please reach out to Cory Cowden of Caltrans, if interested.

BrM 7.0: Development Update

In mid-February, the Task Force hosted the fifth walk-through in the BrM 7.0 development series. The walk-through primarily featured the new SNBI inspection pages and related enhancements which was of high interest to most agencies and has been a large undertaking for Mayvue over the last few months. The fifth walk-through included dozens of questions from the user community which was great to see. Mayvue provided real-time answers to questions and demonstrated the new inspection modules and functionalities including:

  • Inspection Assignment
  • Inspector Certifications
  • Inspection Logistics
  • Elements
  • Load Ratings
  • Load Postings
Bridges > Inspection > Load Posting Status
Bridges > Inspection > Condition

Please reach out to Ryan Fragapane, AASHTOWare Bridge Product Director for access to the recording if interested or if you have questions about progress.

Shortly after the walk-through, Mayvue upgraded the cloud-hosted development sites for the contributing agencies to continue testing. Real-time feedback has been very helpful in the development process, and we encourage continued feedback.

The Task Force remains on schedule with a BrM 7.0 planned production release of November 2024. Three development walk-throughs remain as well. The next scheduled walk-through is planned for April 16, 2024. More information will be sent by AASHTO in the coming weeks. Be sure to register and attend!

If your agency doesn’t have access to the early version hosted website and would like to see what BrM will look like with your agencies data, it is not too late to contribute to the BrM solicitation. This is software upgrade that will benefit all users. Participation provides early benefits to those who participate in the solicitation.

BrM 7.0 Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

Mayvue recently supplied the Database TAG with the draft BrM 7.0 ERD for review and attended a call with the TAG during the week of February 12th. The TAG is currently reviewing and asking questions on behalf of the user community. It is noted that the ERD will likely change during the remaining development, but it’s in a firm enough state to begin review at this time.

Stay tuned for the ERD distribution in the coming weeks (once the Database TAG) has had a chance to fully review and discuss with Mayvue.

BrM 7.0: Application Programming Interface (API) Update

The BrM Task Force and Mayvue have continued to refine details regarding the software’s next API since the last quarterly product update was issued. The BrM 7.0 software will be upgraded with two distinct API features at this time: integration with AASHTOWare Open API and API versioning.

Additional enhancements/features to the API are still being evaluated by the Task Force including API call logs/change history tracking, business validity checks, data integrity verifications, Open Telemetry, and field-level security enhancements. The Task Force is developing a plan of action for the BrM API that balances agency needs, budget, and timing of deliverables. More information will be communicated in the near term about BrM’s API plans.

Please reach out to support@mayvue.com for more information about the API if needed.

AASHTOWare Bridge Mobile Inspection powered by Mayvue

Member Departments and Associate Members wishing to use the AASHTOWare Bridge Mobile Inspection powered by Mayvue can license this application through AASHTO. This is an add-on to the enterprise version of BrM. The mobile application enables agencies to conduct inspections remotely via Android and Apple phone or tablet devices. It works offline and online to allow inspectors to collect inspection information without an internet connection.

Additionally, Mayvue released an interim application, the SNBI Collector, which enables agencies to complete SNBI inspections in the field on any device and can review and validate the inspection data via their desktop computers. For more information, contact Mayvue to see if this application is right for your agency.

AASHTOWare Bridge Management Newsletter

December 2023

The AASHTOWare Bridge Task Force product update keeps all AASHTOWare Bridge Management (BrM) software users apprised of recent activity related to software development. The Task Force is committed to providing quarterly updates to maintain communication between the Task Force and those interested in the product.

BrM 7.0: New Page Builder

The new Page Builder combines the visual usefulness of the Visual Form Editor (VFE) and the ease of the current Dashboard editor. It is fast and easy to use. Users can drag controls around to reposition them. Editing the page no longer requires a user to refresh the page, a major improvement on being able to see how it’s coming together. The range of controls includes simple controls like checkboxes, dropdowns, and text entry up to complex controls like the work candidate modifier.

Users can take advantage of the new Page Builder to display their data to match their reports or make the data more compact for easier use on tablets or mobile devices.

Development will continue to expand the menu of options and controls as the 7.0 work continues. We are excited to see how users take advantage of this updated and powerful feature in 7.0.

BrM 7.0: Development Update

It has been exciting to watch the advancement of BrM. The old data has been migrated to the new format, and Mayvue has completed several significant changes to the software, including the new page builder (formerly the visual form editor), the backend framework, and inspection pages. BrM 7.0 feels modern, operates faster and is more intuitive. BrM is consistently receiving positive feedback about the software’s new look and feel, the transition process, and the utilization of agency-specific cloud-hosted sites.

Earlier this month, Mayvue held the third walk-through presentation for all BrM users, with another scheduled for mid-December. This walk-through identified many of the other benefits BrM users will experience when transitioning over to the 7.0 version. The feedback has been extremely positive, and users are excited about the future. Going into the new year, Mayvue will surpass 50% development completion of the 7.0 release and, in the early months of 2024, will continue to make tremendous strides in reshaping the software, sharing these advancements and new features along the way with live walk-throughs.

The first version of the Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) will also be handed to the database Technical Advisory Group (TAG) in the coming weeks for evaluation. The ERD will be refined over the last several months of development but the draft form is close enough for feedback and recommendations to be considered.

Since the last update, additional states have contributed to the solicitation and joined the steering group for the 7.0 software development. The Task Force remains focused on making this transition as seamless and fast as possible for all BrM users and hopes you join us for upcoming walk-throughs.

BrM 7.0: Cloud-Hosted Sites – Data Migrated

In early October, following the second BrM 7.0 walk-through, we have migrated all cloud-hosted sites to the BrM 7.0 platform. This process included migrating the agency’s database to the new coding guide format. To date, we have made several additional changes to the migration process resulting from direct agency feedback. The data migration process will continue to be refined all the way through BrM 7.0 development, which will provide numerous testing opportunities against the migration scripts and ensure data is properly migrated upon the release of BrM 7.0, resulting in minimal agency impact and ability to transition quickly. The AASHTOWare Bridge Management Task Force would like to thank the contributors providing vital feedback like this and ensuring all agencies are ready for the upcoming transition.

BrM 7.0: Application Programming Interface (API)

BrM’s API will be significantly improved within the BrM 7.0 framework. The AASHTOWare Bridge Management Task Force and Mayvue are still working on the details of the new API; however, it will be overhauled to work with AASHTOWare OpenAPI, will include logging of API calls, versioning, and business logic validity checks.

A new and robust product API is necessary for maintaining data quality, leveraging the AASHTOWare OpenAPI, and delivering greater value to all AASHTOWare clients.

Please reach out to support@mayvue.com for more information about the API if needed.

BrM 6.7.1 Patch Release

On November 20, 2023, the Task Force released a BrM 6.7.1 patch to the user community. It is available for download by reaching out to support@mayvue.com or by navigating to the BrM ShareFile location. The patch release notes are also available in the ShareFile folder, which provides a complete list of all updates in the patch.

The AASHTOWare Bridge Management Task Force strongly recommends agencies move to this latest version (6.7.1) at their earliest opportunity as it includes security updates and improvements to the BrM API, but also includes dashboard export/import feature, as well as implements various bug fixes, updates, and improvements since the BrM 6.7 production version was released in March 2023.

The patch installs in the same manner as previous BrM releases. Agencies will need to run the update install file, then the database scripts to complete the patch process, or email Mayvue to upgrade your site if you are hosted.

The AASHTOWare Bridge Task Force does not anticipate the need for another patch; however, the 6.7.1 software will be in production until all agencies transition to the BrM 7.0 platform. AASHTO will be issuing a letter to all states about the sunset support dates for the 6.X software in the coming months.

Possible BrM Workstation Retirement

BrM is undergoing a major overhaul, and we actively are looking to improve the user experience in every corner of the software. BrM Workstation is a fairly dated approach, and we need to either improve it, or retire it completely.

If your agency is using the workstation version of BrM, please join us on December 15, 2023 from 2pm to 3pm ET for a discussion on how to support your needs in the future.

If you plan to join please register at the link below, please note this is a states only session, if this time does not work for your agency please contact Ryan Fragapane, Product Director, at rfragapane@aashto.org.

Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0kf-Cuqj0qHN1S7xAgvnS8KwcuiTC4NP9a

AASHTOWare Bridge Mobile Inspection powered by Mayvue

Member Departments and Associate Members wishing to use the AASHTOWare Bridge Mobile Inspection powered by Mayvue can license this application through AASHTO. This is an add-on to the enterprise version of BrM. The mobile application enables agencies to conduct inspections remotely via Android and Apple phone or tablet devices. It works offline and online to allow inspectors to collect inspection information without an internet connection.

Additionally, Mayvue released an interim application, the SNBI Collector, which enables agencies to complete SNBI inspections in the field on any device and can review and validate the inspection data via their desktop computers. For more information, contact Mayvue to see if this application is right for your agency.

2023 BrMUG

The AASHTOWare Bridge Management Task Force would like to thank all those who traveled to Boise, ID, and participated in this year’s BrMUG. A special thanks is also given to the presenters who helped make the meeting a success. This year, there was extra energy in the room due to the BrM 7.0 transition and the transformations the states will need to go through in 2024 or 2025 to implement BrM 7.0.

We hope the attendees felt the meeting was valuable and you left excited about the future. It is always a pleasure to talk in person and carry conversations into the hallways and after-hour events. We look forward to presenting BrM 7.0 progress with you regularly throughout the year and seeing everyone again next year in Long Beach, CA.

In the meantime, please feel free to reach out to the Task Force, BrMUG Board, or Mayvue with any questions, concerns, or needs. It is important to us to ensure all of our members needs are heard.

BrM Task Force Members

NameRoleContact Info
Hedeen, DavidMinnesota DOT, Chairdavid.hedeen@state.mn.us
Nazareth, CraigRhode Island DOTcraig.nazareth@dot.ri.gov
Miller, KentNebraska DOTkent.miller@nebraska.gov
Bickley, EmilySouth Carolina DOTBickleyEJ@scdot.org
Alamares, JustinCaltransJustin.Alamares@dot.ca.gov
Armour, JacobMichigan DOTArmourJ1@michigan.gov
Constable, DerekFHWA Liaison, DCderek.constable@dot.gov

AASHTOWare Bridge Management 6.7.1 Patch Release: Dashboard Enhancements, Improved API Security, and Bug Fixes

The Task Force has released a patch for the AASHTOWare Bridge Management software. This patch release, BrM 6.7.1, includes various fixes reported by agencies since the release of BrM 6.7, provides API security upgrades, and applies numerous other updates. As always, the Task Force recommends upgrading to the latest version of BrM to take advantage of new features, fixes, and upgrades.

The key features of this update make AASHTOWare Bridge Management 6.7.1 a pivotal advancement in bridge asset management:

  1. API Security Upgrade. Users leveraging BrM’s API are required to upgrade to version 6.7.1 to benefit from policy-based security. This enhancement empowers organizations to control API permissions based on user roles, ensuring a granular approach to authorization.
  2. Dashboards Import/Export Feature. Users can now seamlessly download and upload dashboards between their test and production environments with the new Dashboards Import/Export feature.
  3. Bug Fixes and Miscellaneous Updates. From optimizing LCCA policy rules to fixing issues with auth_token in scheduled tasks and ensuring the proper display of columns on mapping options, this update aims to create a more reliable and efficient platform.

AASHTOWare Bridge Management 6.7.1 provides users with a more secure, efficient, and user-friendly platform. Upgrade to BrM 6.7.1 today to unlock these powerful features and stay at the forefront of bridge management technology.

AASHTOWare Bridge Design and Rating Newsletter

The Bridge Design and Rating Newsletter is available online!

Read about all of this in the November 2023 Newsletter.

  • 2023 RADBUG Annual Meeting Snapshot
  • BrDR 7.5 Release Distribution – COMPLETED
  • Don’t miss next week’s New Features and Enhancements in AASHTOWare BrDR 7.5 webinar!
  • Take a peek at the BrDR 7.6 and 7.7 New Features and Enhancement
  • Future of the Madero Analysis Engine in BrR
  • Where to Find BrDR Learning Resources
  • BrDR Needs You! Join a TAG!
  • 2024 RADBUG Meeting – Save the Date!

AASHTOWare Bridge Design and Rating 7.5.0 Release Announcement

The AASHTOWare Bridge Design and Rating Task Force is pleased to deliver version 7.5.0 of the AASHTOWare Bridge Design (BrD) and AASHTOWare Bridge Rating (BrR) products and the combined Design and Rating product (BrDR).

The 7.5.0 release adds the following capabilities and features:

  • Next Generation of Report Tool Phase 1 – New reporting framework and report editor.  The Phase 1 objective is to establish the foundation for the new Report Tool and include reporting for prestressed concrete bridges.  Other bridge types and output data reporting will be implemented in future phases.
  • AASHTO Manual for Bridge Evaluation updates (3rd Edition, 2023 Interim Revisions)
    • MBE 6A.4.2.1 and 6A.5.8 – Changes to concrete shear and evaluation of shear load rating
      • Use concurrent load effects
      • Concrete Iterative Shear Rating Control Option
      • Modify MCFT Strain and Ignore Size Effect Control Options
  • Improvements to existing capabilities and features
    • Consistent Rating Method Naming with MBE – Rename LFD rating to LFR and ASD rating to ASR.
    • Support Copy and Paste Functionality for All UI Grids
    • New Additions to General Preferences – New preferences for LRFR Condition factor, LRFR System factor, and Additional self-load (kip/ft and %).
    • Enhance License Mechanism and Cryptographically Secure Bridge Data
    • BrDR Database Maintenance and Usability Improvements – Support connection pooling, reconnection after disruption, encrypted connection, and Azure multi-factor authentication and integrated active directory.
    • Analysis Results Comparison Tool Usability Improvements – New user interface for configuration settings, provide additional information in the Dataset Explorer, and relocate dataset storage to the Documents folder.
  • AASHTO Analysis Engine Maintenance tasks
    • BSSD-1581 Add Net Area Deduction for Truss LRFR
    • BSSD-1606 and 1707 Truss Member and Gusset Plate Adjacent Vehicle Analysis
    • BSSD-1617 Provide Std and LRFD Inputs for Modulus of Rupture
    • BSSD-1622 Use Concurrent Moments in Cb Calculation
    • BSSD-1880 Provide Input for Maximum Aggregate Size
    • BSSD-1940 Improve 3D Mesh Generation to Limit Small Elements
    • BSSD-2370, 2708, and 2738 Truss Gusset Plate Shear Analysis Improvements
    • BSSD-3333 Consider Variable Axle Spacing for LRFR Permit Loads
  • Top voted RADBUG enhancements
    • BSSD-1585 Modeling and Analysis with Square Rebars
    • BSSD-1824 Allow LFR of Curved Steel Spans Greater Than 300 feet
    • BSSD-3109 Improve Culvert Design Tool Final Iteration Reporting
    • BSSD-3223 Improve Load Rating Tool Precomputed Data Window
    • BSSD-3552 Concrete LRFR Moment Redistribution

Special Notes:

  • For the Advanced Concrete Multi-Cell Box Superstructure LFR and LRFR task originally planned for the 7.5.0 release, the testing is currently in progress and the task has been rescheduled for the 7.5.1 release.
  • The existing BrDR license mechanism has been enhanced for the 7.5.0 release.
    • A new “AASHTOWare Bridge Design & Rating Desktop Service” will be deployed while installing BrDR to manage instances of BrDR.  This desktop service does not require any additional maintenance or input by the user during installation.
    • All users, regardless of their license type, will be required to have an active license when running BrDR.  The license can be deployed as a part of the silent installation.
  • BrDR XML Report Viewer – With Microsoft’s deprecation of Internet Explorer, users may no longer be able to use the browser for reviewing Report Tool files.  To circumvent this issue, a BrDR XML Report Viewer is available.  Details on this viewer are provided in Technical Note 70.

The 7.5.0 release download package, with Bridge Design, Bridge Rating, or both, is provided in accordance with your AASHTO license agreement.  Installation instructions are provided within the AASHTOWare Bridge Startup Guide in the download package.

Software distribution is processed based on the information the organization provides when the software is licensed.  The 7.5.0 release download package will be distributed to the organization’s shipping and end-user designee.  Software distribution to all licensees will be completed within 5 working days from this announcement.  A follow-up email will be sent upon completion and provide information on the learning resources available for the new capabilities and features.

Please direct any questions to AASHTOWare Bridge Design and Rating Technical Support at BrDR@promiles.com.

AASHTOWare Bridge Management Newsletter

September 2023

The AASHTOWare Bridge Task Force product update is provided to keep all AASHTOWare Bridge Management (BrM) software users apprised of recent activity related to the development of the software. The Task Force is committed to providing quarterly updates to maintain communication between the Task Force and those interested in the product.

BrM 6.7 Planned Patch Release(s)

BrM 6.7 was released to the user community in March 2023. It is the last full version of the BrM 6.X software. The Task Force will issue patches to the user community to 6.X on an as-needed basis. Each patch will be prioritized to provide the most important updates with the least amount of impact to the agencies.

The first patch, BrM 6.7.1, is nearing completion. It will include various fixes reported by agencies since the release of BrM 6.7, as well as Optimizer performance and processing time enhancements, plus additional updates and features. The exact release date is still being determined.

As always, the Task Force recommends upgrading to the latest version of BrM, including patch releases, to take advantage of new features, fixes, and upgrades.

BrM 7.0 Update

The development of BrM 7.0 is well underway, and we are excited to demonstrate the new software! The first walk-through occurred on August 31, 2023. Following the walk-through, Mayvue provided login credentials to contributing agencies to access a BrM 7.0 demo site where contributors can see, touch, and feel the new software. This 7.0 demo site will be available until Mayvue updates the contributor cloud-hosted sites to the BrM 7.0 platform. This is scheduled to occur following the second BrM 7.0 walk-through scheduled for October 4, 2023. This upgrade will include the migration of the sites’ early 7.0 release databases to the BrM 7.0 format as well, along with many new page updates throughout BrM. From there, Mayvue will continue to upgrade the contributor sites as development and testing progresses.

The plan is to have Mayvue provide eight walk-throughs to demonstrate the development progress of BrM 7.0. These walk-throughs allow Mayvue to showcase new features, design changes, and performance improvements, while enabling agencies to ask questions, provide feedback, and steer the direction of BrM 7.0 along the way.

We look forward to talking more about BrM 7.0 at the BrMUG and ultimately getting the new software into your hands as soon as possible.

2023 BrMUG (Boise, ID)

BrMUG is next week! This year’s user group meeting will be held on September 19th and 20th at The Grove Hotel in Boise, ID. Please make sure you are registered and review the agenda. It is going to be an action-packed two days with exciting presentations from both users and Mayvue alike. You can find all the needed information here.

We hope to see you there!

BrM Dashboards Continue to Improve!

The BrM 6.7 release provided agencies with the ability to create flexible/configurable dashboards by querying the database. The dashboards are already being heavily adopted, some of which will be demonstrated at the BrMUG. There will also be an after-hours training session on the first day to dive further into the setup and improvement of dashboard queries. We have seen examples of dashboards for inspection management, load ratings, work candidates, and optimization results – and the users are just getting started.

The Task Force recently authorized a dashboard enhancement feature that will be made available to users as part of a BrM 6.7.1 patch release. Currently, users must ‘rebuild’ their dashboard queries in each of their environments. This enhancement reduces risk and saves time by enabling the export and import of dashboards from test to production environments. This feature will be ported into the BrM 7.0 version of the software as well.

AASHTOWare Bridge Mobile Inspection powered by Mayvue

Member Departments and Associate Members wishing to use the AASHTOWare Bridge Mobile Inspection powered by Mayvue can license this application through AASHTO. This is an add-on to the enterprise version of BrM. The mobile application enables agencies to conduct inspections via Android and Apple phone or tablet devices remotely. It works offline and online to allow inspectors to collect inspection information without an internet connection.

Finally, the Task Force would like to recognize Rhode Island DOT, South Carolina DOT, and Idaho Transportation Department for purchasing the AASHTOWare BrM Mobile Inspection powered by Mayvue with their FY2024 BrM license. Each agency is in various states of implementation and working with Mayvue to roll it out to their inspectors. We look forward to showcasing their experience in a future quarterly product update.