The AASHTOWare Bridge Task Force is eager to respond to the updated National Bridge Inspection Standards (NBIS) and Specifications for the National Bridge Inventory (SNBI). The AASHTOWare business model strives to keep the annual cost of the software as low as possible for all member agencies. However, at strategic times, AASHTO must pursue solicitations to be able to respond to major initiatives, such as changes in federal law or policy. This solicitation will ensure that the AASHTOWare Bridge Management (BrM) software maintains regulatory compliance, improves product functionality, and builds sustainability all in one effort. The Task Force requests that all member agencies contribute to this important initiative. Full participation in the solicitation will ensure that AASHTOWare will not only implement the new inspection requirements into BrM well in advance of Federal deadlines but also allow agencies to continue bridge management in the new format.

Date | Summary |
September 2022 | States to notify AASHTO of intent to participate and contributing agencies are encouraged to submit work plan comments to the AASHTOWare Bridge Task Force. |
October 2022 | Solicitation work plan finalization, development of BrM 7.0 starts. |
February 2023 | BrM 6.7 release – Includes NBI Conversion upgrades, Dashboards, and Ancillary Assets (advancement to the multi-asset framework). The effort is already underway. |
Spring 2023 | BrM 7.0 (early) release – Available for contributing agencies on a Mayvue hosted environment. Focused on data collection, first version of the migration tool, and data validation. Agencies can adapt their reports, APIs, and business practices to the new requirements. |
March 2024 | BrM 7.0 release – Complete inspection overhaul including visual form editor (VFE) for custom forms, inspection types, QA/QC module, multimedia, etc. |
January 2025 | BrM 7.1 release – Updates to the Optimizer, Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA), and Analysis tools using the new data format, in preparation for the 2026 TAMP submittal! |
March 2026 | First NBI submittal reported to FHWA in SNBI format. Data can consist of mostly transitioned data that has not yet been collected using the SNBI or verified as conformant with the SNBI. |
Transition Plan and Incentives
BrM will deliver a seamless transition to the new inspection and data standards. Agencies will be able to continue performing inspections and execute their management programs as planned. This approach allows an agency to transition to the new format on their timeline and well ahead of the FHWA deadlines. There will be early software-as-a-service (SaaS) releases to avoid multiple instance installations and IT-related delays until the BrM 7.1 release. The early release will also allow agencies to begin collecting data in SNBI format and satisfy the FHWA March 2028 milestone date. This will be particularly useful for bridges at extended inspection intervals.
Agencies that participate in the solicitation will receive key incentives: the ability to submit their comments to the work plan governing this effort, receiving early releases before official access to begin using the new standards for data collection, updated reports and API connections, and an early start to begin training inspectors and management staff. Furthermore, contributors will receive free cloud-hosting services during the transition to avoid IT complications and/or confusion associated with running two on-premises AASHTOWare Bridge Management instances. Additional benefits and incentives will be discussed during the upcoming BrM User Group meeting.
Contribution Options
Contributions to this solicitation are critical to the success of this transition and the long-term sustainability of the BrM software. $300,000 per member agency is strongly encouraged but greater or lesser amounts will be gladly accepted. Agencies can use existing service units from any AASHTOWare product or make contributions over multiple fiscal years if needed. Additionally, AASHTO has coordinated with the FHWA to allow contributors to use State Planning and Research (SP&R) funds at 100% Federal participation (0% State match) for this initiative if your agency permits. If you have any funding-related questions, please contact the AASHTOWare Bridge Project Manager (Ryan Fragapane,
Note: Funding in advance of the work plan can be committed to AASHTO via the FY2023 Member Software Request Form: Additional Enhancement Funding. All funding will be reserved to support the project solicitation.
Information related to this solicitation timeline, work plans, progress, funding, and more can be found at